Cyprus holidays Archive

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Eating out in Cyprus – a meze affair

Book a fantastic tailor made holiday to Cyprus - from Sunvil. Find the real country

Cyprus and the world’s oldest wine

  At the end of a fine meal in Cyprus you may be offered a glass of Commandaria dessert wine. While the ‘olde worlde’ style label hints at the amber-coloured wine’s rich history, it might surprise visitors to learn that this is in fact the world’s oldest

Experience the real Cyprus

Many British people have experienced Cyprus over the years and a great number return to revive the friendship of the people and the Meze’s. However some have grown tired, often, I suspect when we see the amount of building and developments along the south coast. I recently

Cyprus Sustainable Tourism Initiative

I returned yesterday from a conference on waste management in Cyprus organised by the Cyprus Sustainable Tourism Initiative (CSTI) and the University of Cyprus. Sunvil was one of the sponsors. Being an island Cyprus has always had problems with waste disposal and most rubbish has simply gone