Sicily Holidays Archive

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Stay cool at the International Ice Cream Festival in Sicily

Cefalu on Sicily’s north coast is a popular place to visit at any time of the year. A short drive from Palermo, it boasts fine golden beaches and a old town that dates back to the days of Norman conquest, over 900 years ago. The city is

On the Norman Trail in Sicily

Visitors to Sicily may be surprised to discover so many signs of Norman influence among the historic sites around the island. While many of us assume that the invasions of the Norsemen, who were initially Vikings but later mixed with English, Frank and Roman stock, were concentrated

Sicily – an island apart

Carthage, Greece, Rome, North Africans, Normans, Spaniards and Bourbons have all taken their turns as invaders of Sicily. Some would argue that even the Italians are perhaps no more than the latest group to colonise this fiercely disobedient Mediterranean island. As each culture’s influence has waxed and

Just what is Agritourism?

Mention the phrase ‘agritourism’ to the average person looking for a holiday and you’ll probably get a wide range of reactions. Some might imagine waking up before dawn to help the farmer in milking his herd; others might picture themselves picking fruit or crushing grapes or olives.